Restoration is Coming!!
Today We want to talk to You about Restoration. ‘Restore Unto Me the Joy of My Salvation🎼🎼’ Psalm 51; 12
So, You know how sometimes when your phone has some issues, you restore to factory settings.. exactly! and for some reason, the issue goes away just like that. Or when you back up your data on your old phone and restore that data on your new phone- Boom! Magic!
Whether it’s returning an entity to its former condition, repairing or replacing an item, restoration aims and helps to make things better.
Really, our biggest and surest plug for a magical kind of restoration in our lives is God (2 Corinthians 5;17 )
So, on the inside, if you think you need patching up or replacement or renewal, God is your Guy and what better way to connect with God than the Bible, God’s word and Prayer.
Some of us know all this quite all right but once in a while, we forget and that’s not a crime. We only need subtle reminders from time to time.
It could be daily Bible verses popping up on your computer screen or setting reminders on your phone to read your Bible or even wearing things that remind you of your Faith, of the restorative Power of God. Wearing your Faith helps you to not only show your Faith but also, to remind you of Your Faith.
Africa with hanging Cross Necklace
This piece is a beautiful reminder of the Cross on which Christ died to Redeem and Restore everyone. Jesus is for Everyone.
Africa with hanging Jesus Necklace
Jesus is our redeemer and restorer and should be the centre of our lives and wearing ‘Jesus’ helps to remind us to really wear ‘Jesus’.
It’s great to wear your Faith but more than wearing your Faith, Be your Faith with your way of life and if you get broken along the way, leave it to God, He’s got you don’t worry.
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